Visioning a life affirming future: ‘the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible’.

I’m playing with the idea of creating a visioning movement where we co-create an alternative way of being in the world that is in rhythm with nature.

We have so many Dystopian visions of our future. I’m not trying to shy away from that or negate the possibility of immense loss, catastrophe, disconnection and destruction that may take place.

What I am curious about is how we as humans move towards the future we desire rather than away from a future we fear.

We have seen that science fiction novels created a possible reality for our future and we have lived and created into these possibilities.

I am inviting us to do the same in reforming and transforming our relationship with our natural world. A transformation of the structures we live within, a clarity in our intention and a presence and care in our actions. What would a more connected, beautiful, nourished and cared for planet look like? How would we as humans interact with ourselves, with others and with our natural world? How would you ‘be’ in this space and what is it about a environmentally regenerative, socially just and spiritually fulfilling human presence that you yearn for, that you wish to call into being?

For me it’s a life in rhythm with nature, in line with seasons, in step with the beat of the Earth, breathing in sync with the trees.

How this looks in the everyday for me is a deep appreciation for our natural world, and a presence of awareness that gives thanks for the gifts of each day. Bringing a quality of presence and joy to my interactions with others and being willing to look within, to reflect, to learn and to grow. How does it look for you? Comment below.

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